Xaar Technology Moves 3D Printing towards Volume Manufacturing

This year’s InPrint show in Munich will see Xaar’s Chris Noble highlight how inkjet – and Xaar technology, in particular – is transforming 3D Printing from a prototype industry to volume production. During his conference talk “Opportunities in 3D Printing for Inkjet” at 11.30 on Wednesday 15th November, Chris will explain how inkjet technology is […]
Voxeljet unveils new 3D Printing Technology

Voxeljet, the leading manufacturer of 3D printing systems for industrial applications, specialized on Powder-Binder-Jetting of plastic and sand, has announced the release of its High Speed Sintering (HSS) process for November 2017. The process was initially developed by Prof. Neil Hopkinson and is licensed to voxeljet from Evonik and Loughborough University. Combined with voxeljet’s binder-jetting […]